Volume 16, Issue 1

Special issue in memory of Professor Ben Fine.

1. On countable isotypic structures

Pavel Gvozdevsky.
We obtain several results concerning the concept of isotypic structures. Namely we prove that any field of finite transcendence degree over a prime subfield is defined by types; then we construct isotypic but not isomorphic structures with countable underlying sets: totally ordered sets, fields, and groups. This answers an old question by B. Plotkin for groups.

2. On isomorphisms to a free group and beyond

Vladimir Shpilrain.
The isomorphism problem for infinite finitely presented groups is probably the hardest among standard algorithmic problems in group theory. Classes of groups where it has been completely solved are nilpotent groups, hyperbolic groups, and limit groups. In this short paper, we address the problem of isomorphism to particular groups, including free groups. We also address the algorithmic problem of embedding a finitely presented group in a given limit group.

3. Constrained inhomogeneous spherical equations: average-case hardness

Alexander Ushakov.
In this paper we analyze computational properties of the Diophantine problem (and its search variant) for spherical equations $\prod_{i=1}^m z_i^{-1} c_i z_i = 1$ (and its variants) over the class of finite metabelian groups $G_{p,n}=\mathbb{Z}_p^n \rtimes \mathbb{Z}_p^\ast$, where $n\in\mathbb{N}$ and $p$ is prime. We prove that the problem of finding solutions for certain constrained spherical equations is computationally hard on average (assuming that some lattice approximation problem is hard in the worst case).

4. On equationally Noetherian predicate structures

Ivan Buchinskiy ; Matvei Kotov ; Alexander Treier.
In this paper, we prove a criterion for a predicate structure to be equationally Noetherian.

5. Groups of F-Type

Benjamin Fine ; Gerhard Rosenberger ; Leonard Wienke.
We consider a class of groups, called groups of F-type, which includes some known and important classes like Fuchsian groups of geometric rank $\ge 3$, surface groups of genus $\ge 2$, cyclically pinched one-relator groups and torus-knot groups, and discuss algebraic and geometric properties of groups of F-type.

6. Computing the unit group of a commutative finite $\mathbb{Z}$-algebra

Martin Kreuzer ; Florian Walsh.
For a commutative finite $\mathbb{Z}$-algebra, i.e., for a commutative ring $R$ whose additive group is finitely generated, it is known that the group of units of $R$ is finitely generated, as well. Our main results are algorithms to compute generators and the structure of this group. This is achieved by reducing the task first to the case of reduced rings, then to torsion-free reduced rings, and finally to an order in a reduced ring. The simplified cases are treated via a calculation of exponent lattices and various algorithms to compute the minimal primes, primitive idempotents, and other basic objects. All algorithms have been implemented and are available as a SageMath package. Whenever possible, the time complexity of the described methods is tracked carefully.